DaycareAnswers Home
Too Hot To Cook eBook
When temperatures get too high, it's best not to turn on your oven and heat up your kitchen even more. My e-book, What To Cook When It's Too Hot To Cook takes care of this problem for you.
What You Get:
Are you a new provider struggling to beat the heat during your first summer? Struggle no more! Are you a veteran provider who's sick of sweating in your scorching kitchen year after year? Put an end to it! |
Every one of these sample daycare menus is delicious and nutritious for the kids, not to mention simple and effortless for you. All without turning on the oven!
![]() Breakfast Menus |
I've been a provider for 20 years now, have had more than 100 children pass through my doors.
I had a good system set up for my regular rotating menus, but when those hot summer months came, I struggled at following along because I didn't want to heat up my kitchen with the oven.
So, I searched and tested countless recipes to find the diamonds in the rough that make cooking a breeze every meal, all summer long. My many hours spent developing a three week menu is to your benefit.
You get pre-planned menus:
Great Value for the Price!!!
For just $4.97, you get...
What took me hours to develop and set up is instantly yours. Purchase the book and then check your e-mail for a link that allows you to print them out immediately. Then, as soon as the temperature rises and you don't want the oven on, you're ready to go with printable menus.
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
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Marcia Reagan is the creator of DaycareAnswers and lives in Central Minnesota with her husband and two children. She's been an in-home daycare provider for over twenty years and loves to share her experience and passion for daycare with other providers. |