Whether you're a Work-at-Home Mom (WAHM) like me, a Stay-at-Home Mom(SAHM) or a working Mom who just needs some extra cash, let me share with you how I did it.
Hi. I'm Marcia. And this is my husband, Mike with me in the photo. I'm a work-at-home Mom who needed to figure out how to earn some extra cash to help pay the family bills. I run a successful in-home daycare that provides a nice income, but since we were putting two kids through private high school during a recession, the monthly bills piled up. It was more than my income and my husband’s sales commission could handle. That’s why Mike and I decided to build a website and earn extra money from the internet. The kids are no longer in the private high school, so now our internet income is paying down our debt and will soon serve as our retirement income. |
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From the time I was a little girl, I figured I'd get married and have kids. I didn't worry too much about what I would do for a job. My main focus was going to be my kids.
Then when my first child was born, I had to figure out how to make an income from home while I took care of my new baby.
I made an honest effort to build an in-home accounting business. It’s very hard to have an in-home business of this type with a baby who demands your time and makes noise in the background when you have to answer your business phone. It was semi-successful , but eventually I had to shut it down. I tried a couple of other SAHM options, but with no success so I had to go back into the work force.
After I had my second child, I was fortunate enough to be able to start an in-home daycare so that I not only was able to stay home with my children, but I was also generating an income for the family. I have now been operating my daycare for fifteen years. Daycare has been very good to me. I enjoy working with children, so I’ve had a job that I love while being home with my kids. But after fifteen years, some factors in the equation have changed.
One…we were basically “forced” to send our kids to private school because of the poor quality of the public school system in our neighborhood. They are now in 9th and 11th grade, so of course, we’ve been paying private school tuition for years. But the older they get, the higher the tuition goes and boy, is it expensive!
Two…the poor economy has hit both my daycare business and my husband’s commissioned job in radio sales. We needed to find ways to supplement our income.
And three...for fifteen years I’ve worked long, hard hours taking care of many kids every day and I’m ready for a break. I want to be able to make my daycare smaller for a while and then, eventually, retire from daycare completely.
To earn an extra income for our family, Mike came up with several ideas. The first idea was for us to write a book about parenting. It sounded like a good idea, but I had no idea how to write a book. I made notes and tried to read other parenting books to give me inspiration, but nothing ever came of it.
Mike then suggested I become a public speaker for either daycare providers or parents. That didn’t even sound like a good idea. I’d rather be stuck changing diapers and wiping runny noses for another twenty years rather than stand up on a stage in front of people to speak. So that idea didn’t work.
The third idea Mike had was to make money from the internet. We both knew there was potential, but we didn’t know which direction to go or who we could trust. Like you, we had heard about internet scams. Mike began extensive research to find just the right path to take.
One winter day, my next door neighbor came over to ask me to get their mail while they were on vacation. We exchanged this favor for each other all the time, so yes, no problem, I will get their mail. Every day that week, I got their mail and walked it back to my house . Every day, I noticed that there was an envelope addressed to a business that I was not familiar with.
With the fear of being too nosey, upon their return I asked them about that business that I had seen the envelopes addressed to. They explained to me that the business receiving daily invoices in their mailbox was their online store.
WAIT A MINUTE!!!! My neighbor has a website? They make money off the internet? Who better to trust to lead us in the right direction for building a website. These were the people we could be comfortable with to give us trustworthy information. And that, my friend, is how Mike and I were introduced to “Site Build It!”
“Site Build It” is more than I can explain in one webpage. It’s more than just a website host. It offers so many tools that not only teach you how to build a website, but it also assists you in making your website one of the top sites on the internet. All the things they offer to you as a website builder is too much to explain here, but let me tell you that you will not stop being amazed with the assistance you receive in becoming a successful website master.
For an introduction tour of Site Build It!, click here:
Although it's hard to tell you all that Site Build It! is, I can easily tell you what it's not. Site Build It! is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Site Build It! gives you the information and tools needed to build a quality website, but it takes work and commitment to build that website. You still need to "earn" your money. Site Build It! simply makes the learning curve a lot shorter.
After our research and brainstorming, we decided to invest in Site Build It! and create a website targeted around daycare. We decided that this was our “niche” because it was a subject that we were both passionate and knowledgeable about. As the daycare provider, I would write the content and he would learn the technical side of creating the website. Perfect team work, right?
I’m going to guess that this arrangement worked for about two months. We thought it was working great. But the one frustration I was having is that after the content was added to the website, I could not edit it without Mike’s help. Mike was busy adding the new content and didn’t always have time to help me edit existing content. So one day, he sat down with me to show me how to make changes to our website pages so that I could do it on my own. That’s all it took. That was my personal introduction to “Site Build It” and I instantly fell in love.
For amateurs like me, “Site Build It” has what is called block building. You don’t have to have a lot of computer experience to build a web page. You basically fill in the blanks to build a block and then all the blocks stack on top of each other. When the blocks stack on top of each other, you’ve created a website. Trust me when I say, if I could build a webpage at the experience level I was at, so can you. Today, I have much more experience and knowledge, but it’s all credited back to “Site Build It".
Do you have a topic in mind for your own website?
Are you one of those people who say "I want to build a website, but I'm not an expert at anything."
Do you have a hobby such as drawing or painting?
That could be your website's topic.
Are you a gardener?
There's another possibility.
Regardless of which position you are in, SBI will take you by the hand and lead you through the steps needed to get your website live and generating traffic. Traffic is what you need in order to make an income from your site. There's several sources of income to choose from. And, yes, SBI, will help you with that too!
Our goal for building a website was to make extra income to help pay our households monthly bills. Our dream is to make enough income from our website to retire early and take care of our internet business from a chair on the beach at an exotic location.
I love being a daycare provider, but I’ve spent my share of years taking care of children. My new passion and hobby is to spend my time building websites and sharing what I’ve learned and experienced over the years with others.
We are currently making money from our website, but we know that as we keep building pages and generating more traffic, our income will increase month after month. We’ve read the success stories on “Site Build It” and they keep us motivated to get ourselves to the top.
I'm not going to ask you to and don't expect you to click on a button and sign up for Site Build It! I want you to do your own research. I want you to compare SBI to other web hosting companies. I challenge you to find a web host that offers you as much as SBI. I also challenge you to find a web host that has so many current users willing to speak so highly of them.
If you have even the slightest question in your mind that this could be another "get-rich-quick-scam", then take a look at this message from the founder of SBI.
When you find out that SBI is the best option out there, then come back and sign up for your own subscription.
Whether you are a SAHM (Stay at Home Mom), a WAHM (Work at Home Mom) or just somebody who needs some extra cash, let me help you make this decision. I know how hard it is to decide who to trust, but with Site Build It!'s money back guarantee, you have no worries.
I look forward to working with you soon. If you have any questions regarding how to build YOUR website, feel free to contact me here.
Solo Build It! offers a WAHM Masters Course for those people who would like more information.
This FREE PDF download helps you make an informed decision and outlines SiteSell's formula for building a successful online business.
Plus, you can read many case studies from Mom's like you who've built successful websites.
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Marcia Reagan is the creator of DaycareAnswers and lives in Central Minnesota with her husband and two children. She's been an in-home daycare provider for over twenty years and loves to share her experience and passion for daycare with other providers. |