Daycare Providers Interview Packet

daycare interview packet

To get clients into your daycare, you need to be a little bit different than all the other daycares in your area. An easy way to make yourself a little bit different is to create a Daycare Providers Interview Packet.

An interview packet tells the prospective family everything they need to know about your daycare. It also highlights the fun things you do with the kids.

The Cover

The cover is the first impression you are setting for your potential client. Design a professional graphic on your computer that lets your interviewing family know that you are serious about your business. Print the cover out, cut it down to size, use double-stick tape to attach it to the folder and cover it with contact paper.

Introduction Memo

The introduction memo should be a very personal and heartfelt letter to potential parents. The letter should start by telling the parents about you and your family. The second half of the letter should let them know how much you enjoy being a daycare provider and why they should choose your daycare over others in the area.

To see my Introduction Memo, click here.

Daycare Policies and Procedures

Obviously, when letting a family know about your daycare, you want to include a copy of your Policies and Procedures. Your Policies and Procedures should include all the rules and requirements of your daycare and all the government regulations you are required to include. You want to include all this while still sounding friendly. If you sound too abrupt, you will not gain the trust of a new family.

To see my Policies and Procedures, click here.

If you don't have Policies and Procedures written for your daycare, learn how to do so here.

Activities of the Daycare

A parent cannot walk into your daycare and be able to tell everything you and the children do during the day. So tell them what you do by providing a written list of activities, games and toys available to the children.

To see my Activities Page, click here.

Daycare References

Provide your potential family with references to build an instant trust.  First, talk to anyone you plan on listing as a reference to get their permission to give out their phone number. That also let's them know to expect phone calls so they are prepared to tell someone about your daycare. List some families who are currently enrolled in your daycare and then also list families from the past.

Also list the number of years these families were in your daycare to show long-term relationships.

To see my Reference page, click here.

Rate Card

Create a rate card that is easy to read and easy to understand. Cut it out and attach it to the inside front cover of your folder with double stick tape.

To see my Rate Card, click here.

Business Card

daycare business card

Order yourself a supply of inexpensive business cards. These business cards can be used to hand out whenever someone inquires about your daycare.  You can also tape one on the inside front cover of your folder to give your family easy access to your address and your phone number.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Other things you could include in your Daycare Providers Interview Packet are:

  • Sample of your Food Menu
  • A newsletter
  • Photos of your daycare (Be sure to have permission from the parents if the photos include daycare children.)

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Marcia Reagan is the creator of DaycareAnswers and lives in Central Minnesota with her husband and two children.  She's been an in-home daycare provider for over twenty years and loves to share her experience and passion for daycare with other providers.  

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