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Daycare Attendance Records
Attendance Records in daycare keep track of the time a child arrives and the time when they leave. |
Quick Links to Your Attendance Records:
No Signature Required. Signature Required |
Signature Required Signature Required |
Each page has entries for four children. Print as many pages as you need to accommodate the number of children you have in your care.
This attendance sheet is to keep track of a child on an individual basis and requires a parent signature. This would fit the set-up where you keep a separate clip board for every child in your care. |
Multiple Children -Monday through Friday Attendance Sheet This sheet accommodates up to five children who attend daycare Monday through Friday. |
Multiple Children - 7 Days a Week Attendance Sheet This sheet accommodates up to four children who attend daycare 7 days per week. If you have more than four children in your care, you just print out multiple sheets. |
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Daycare Attendance Records
Marcia Reagan is the creator of DaycareAnswers and lives in Central Minnesota with her husband and two children. She's been an in-home daycare provider for over twenty years and loves to share her experience and passion for daycare with other providers. |
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