Here's what you'll find in this month's issue:
I'd like to welcome all the new subscribers to the Newsletter. I'm so glad you signed up. I want my newsletter to provide you with fresh ideas for craft projects for the kids, new recipes to try, plus share interesting or funny stories. When I come across an interesting website that I found on the internet, I'll share that with you too.
I'd also love to hear from you. Please feel free to share a story, a recipe, a project or an interesting website. Anything you'd like to pass along can be sent to
Transition After School Begins
Kids are now back in school and getting comfortable with their new schedule. I like having the older kids in my daycare for the summer, but boy am I ready for them to go back to school when fall comes.
Things change while the school-aged kids are here for the summer. They’re in charge of everything, which can be good and can be bad. They're able to initiate the imaginary games that are so important for kids to play. They can start a game of "house" or maybe become zookeepers or school teachers. They can keep the younger kids entertained for me while I get one of my chores done. But what happens to the kids left behind when the older kids go back to school.
As a mother or a daycare provider, did you notice a transition time when kids returned to school and you’re now caring for just preschoolers and/or toddlers during the day? (Read more)
Recipe: Trix Treats it's as close as I could come to Trick or Treat. Get it?
Trix Treats appeal to kids because they are so brightly colored and they taste great. They also pack well for school lunches, picnics and car trips!
Craft Project: Egg Carton Spiders
I like this spider project because it's made with items I have in the house already. The littlest kids will be happy making just one. The older kids can stay busy longer by making multiple spiders.
Plan Your Halloween Party Now
Throw a Halloween Party for the kids. Start planning and preparing now so that you're not rushed when the holiday comes. Halloween Party for Kids will give you ideas for activities, games, food and drink!
Website in the Spotlight
I like to share fun and interesting websites when I find them. This month's Website in the Spotlight is This website provides free MP3 downloads of kid's music. I use my old MP3 player to download music for the kids. I have an adapter to hook up the MP3 player to my radio in the kitchen. I crank the music and the kids and I jam!
I haven't met a kid yet that doesn't like music.
Are you a webmaster? Send me the name of your website and if it is compatible with the topics of my newsletter, I will spotlight it for you.
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