June, 2015 - Edition #142
Happy Summer! Things are definitely heating up this time of year. To take your mind off the heat, I'm bringing you an exciting new article: Providers From Around the World. Our first provider is Ify from Nigeria. It's a very interesting read.
I'm also bringing you all the tools you need to make it through the next month. Pick up some craft projects for Fathers Day and Fourth of July. Finally, beat the heat this summer with my new E-Book, What to Cook When It's Too Hot to Cook.
Featured in this month's newsletter:
I think it's always fascinating to learn how different daycare is from state to state or province to province. But it's even more fascinating to learn how it works in different countries. I am starting a new feature called Providers From Around the World. Our first provider is Ify from Nigeria sharing what it's like for her being the director of a daycare center.
Read Ify's Story Here
If you're a daycare provider and would like to share an article in next month's newsletter about how the daycare business works in your area, please submit your request here.
Submit Your Request Here
Father's Day - June 21st - Cookie Jar
Father's Day can be such an overlooked holiday. A homemade gift will remind the kids that Dad deserves a little recognition, too. The two can have a blast baking chocolate chip cookies and even more fun eating them. Every father will be delighted to receive his two favorite things: dessert and quality time with his kid.
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Stovetop Macaroni & Cheese - Perfect for Summer!
Straight from my new E-Book, What to Cook When It's Too Hot to Cook, Stovetop Mac & Cheese is your sneak peak. This delicious Mac & Cheese is your solution to serving a hot, home cooked meal in a cool kitchen.
Make it Today!
New e-Book - "What to Cook When It's Too Hot to Cook"
Three weeks of menus without ever turning on your oven. Is that even possible? You betcha! Every one of these sample daycare menus is delicious and nutritious for the kids, not to mention simple and effortless for you. All without turning on the oven!
I'm giving away five free copies of the e-book. Visit DaycareAnswers Facebook page or find the thread in the Daycare Provider Facebook Group to enter your name to win!
DaycareAnswers Facebook Page
Daycare Providers Facebook Group
Or Buy your copy here.
July 4th - Craft Stick Flag
Barbecues and fireworks leave little time for planning crafts. This Fourth of July project gives the kids a chance to celebrate their patriotism with two different options to make a flag.
Get the Directions Here

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