August, 2015 - Edition #143
Summer is nearing the end. Let's send it off in style! As we wrap up the summer season, it's easy to get wrapped up in preparing for the start of the school year and forget to make the most of the last days of outdoor fun. That's why I'm bringing you easy and fun summer activities to finish off the season.
I also have a follow up from Ify, a provider from Nigeria, who has more to tell us about her experience in childcare. Finally, to make your daily workload a little lighter, take a look at my free daycare forms and summer menu "What To Cook When It's Too Hot To Cook".
Featured in this month's newsletter:
In June, we had our first story from Providers From Around the World. In this feature, we take a peek into the lives of providers all across the globe to see how they compare to our daily lives. Ify from Nigeria is back again this month giving us another look into her roll as director of a daycare center.
Read Part II of Ify's Story Here
If you're a daycare provider and would like to share an article in next month's newsletter about how the daycare business works in your area, please submit your request here.
Submit Your Request Here
Baggie Butterfly
I'm always looking for projects that involve the kids as much as possible without too much preparation required by me. These Baggie Butterflys take very little set-up time and let the kids do most of the work!
Get the Directions
Frozen Yogurt Drops
You've gotta love it when the kids' favorite snack is also the easiest to make. With Frozen Yogurt Drops, this is definitely the case. Make them in the morning in minutes then serve them in the afternoon.
Make it Today!
Free Daycare Forms
This is the most popular page on my website, and for good reason! Save yourself countless hours tracking attendance, preparing for interviews, and planning menus by printing of these free forms.
Get Yours Free!
New e-Book - "What to Cook When It's Too Hot to Cook"
Three weeks of menus without ever turning on your oven. Is that even possible? You betcha! Every one of these sample daycare menus is delicious and nutritious for the kids, not to mention simple and effortless for you. All without turning on the oven!
Buy your copy of What to Cook When It's Too Hot to Cook here.

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